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About Our Center

The Research Center for Creativity and Innovation was established in September 2004 to foster creativity and innovative thinking in the Taiwanese academic and commercial environment through the sponsorship of the Ministry of Education and other institution of high international caliber.

The aim of the Center is to promote creative education by facilitating cooperation between private industry, government agencies and academia through joint projects and competitions.  The Center provides a common platform for teachers, students, parents, and education policy makers to meet together and explore ways of implementing innovative and creative ways of teaching and learning.

In recent years, RCCI has been committed to promoting futures imagination and fostering creative talents. In addition to combining the original creativity education resources of the Ministry of Education, we have also innovatively developed and promoted featured courses of rural primary schools, based on futures imagination education, with the efforts from university project teams, our project aims to add international competitiveness to elementary schools, by integrating featured courses and preserving cultural resources, cultivate students' creativity and futures imagination.

Through the integration of featured courses to attract foreign students to participate in courses in Taiwan, we aim to build relationships with international education groups, and jointly promote the plan, gradually promote the featured courses of rural elementary schools in Taiwan to the world. Further, the concept of futures imagination is expected to promote local innovation in rural elementary schools, and become an impetus for revitalization, it serves as a communication bridge between the university team and the community residents to help enhance the overall competitiveness of the rural areas, innovate community industries, activate the economy, make sustainable developments, allows rural elementary schools and communities to become internationally-renown.


Since 2004, the Center has sponsored the following programs:

  • Creative Thinking and Workshops
  • Curriculum Development for University
  • Elementary and Middle School Programs
  • Vocational & Senior High School Programs
  • 2008 International Conference on Creative Education
  • 2004 and 2008 International Creative Education Expositions


